Steps 步骤条
import { FSteps } from '@fesjs/fes-design';
<template> <FSteps :current="current"> <FStep title="待开始" description="All through the day, I me mine" @clickStep="handleClickStep" /> <FStep title="进行中" description="When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me" @clickStep="handleClickStep" /> <FStep title="待处理" @clickStep="handleClickStep"> <template #icon> <ProductOutlined /> </template> </FStep> <FStep title="已完成" description="Something in the way she moves Attracts me like no other lover" @clickStep="handleClickStep" /> </FSteps> <FSpace> <FButton @click="pre">上一步</FButton> <FButton @click="next">下一步</FButton> </FSpace> </template> <script> import { ref } from 'vue'; export default { setup() { const current = ref(2); const pre = () => { if (current.value < 1) { return; } current.value = current.value - 1; }; const next = () => { if (current.value > 4) { return; } current.value = current.value + 1; }; const handleClickStep = (step) => { console.log('[steps.common] handleClickStep, step:', step); }; return { current, pre, next, handleClickStep, }; }, }; </script>
<template> <FSteps vertical :current="2"> <FStep title="已完成" /> <FStep title="进行中" description="When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me" /> <FStep title="待处理" description="Here come old flat top He come grooving up slowly" /> <FStep title="待处理" description="Something in the way she moves Attracts me like no other lover" /> </FSteps> </template>
<template> <FSteps :current="2"> <FStep title="已完成" description="All through the day, I me mine I me mine, I me mine" > <template #icon> <StarOutlined /> </template> </FStep> <FStep title="进行中" description="When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me" > <template #icon> <StarOutlined /> </template> </FStep> <FStep title="待处理" description="Here come old flat top He come grooving up slowly" > <template #icon> <StarOutlined /> </template> </FStep> <FStep title="待处理" description="Something in the way she moves Attracts me like no other lover" > <template #icon> <StarOutlined /> </template> </FStep> </FSteps> </template>
<template> <FSteps :current="2" status="error"> <FStep title="已完成" description="All through the day, I me mine I me mine, I me mine" /> <FStep title="进行中" description="When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me" /> <FStep title="待处理" description="Here come old flat top He come grooving up slowly" /> <FStep title="待处理" description="Something in the way she moves Attracts me like no other lover" /> </FSteps> </template>
Steps Props
属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
current(v-model) | 指定当前步骤 | number | undefined |
status | 指定当前步骤的状态,可选 wait 、process 、finish 、error | string | process |
type | 步骤条类型,有 default 和 navigation 两种, 第一期就支持default | string | default |
vertical | 是否垂直方向 | boolean | false |
initial | 起始序号 | number | 1 |
Steps Events
事件名称 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
change | 点击切换步骤时触发 | (current)=>void |
Step Props
属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
description | 步骤的详情描述,可选 | string / slot | - |
icon | 步骤图标的类型,可选 | slot | - |
status | 指定状态。当不配置该属性时,会使用 Steps 的 status 来自动指定状态。可选:wait process finish error | string | - |
title | 标题 | string / slot | - |
Step Events
事件名称 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
clickStep | 点击步骤时触发 | (step: number)=>void |