Popper 弹出信息
在内容周围弹出一些隐藏的信息。内置样式,需要自行定制。 如果你只想展示一些基本的文本内容,推荐使用 Tooltip
import { FPopper } from '@fesjs/fes-design';
属性 trigger
<template> <FPopper placement="bottom" trigger="hover" :arrow="true"> <template #trigger> <FButton>Hover to activate</FButton> </template> <div style="padding: 30px">this is content, this is content, this is content</div> </FPopper> <FPopper placement="top" trigger="click" :arrow="true"> <template #trigger> <FButton style="margin-left: 10px">Click to activate</FButton> </template> <div style="padding: 30px">this is content, this is content, this is content</div> </FPopper> <FPopper placement="right" trigger="focus" :arrow="true"> <template #trigger> <FButton style="margin-left: 10px">Focus to activate</FButton> </template> <div style="padding: 30px">this is content, this is content, this is content</div> </FPopper> </template> <script setup lang="ts"></script> <style scoped></style>
<template> <FSpace> <FForm :labelWidth="100"> <FFormItem label="是否显示:"> <FRadioGroup v-model="visible" :cancelable="false" :options="[ { label: '否(默认)', value: false }, { label: '是', value: true }, ]" /> </FFormItem> </FForm> </FSpace> <FDivider /> <FPopper v-model="visible" placement="bottom" trigger="click" :arrow="true" :popperStyle="{ zIndex: 1500 }"> <template #trigger> <FButton>Click to activate</FButton> </template> <div style="padding: 30px">this is content, this is content, this is content</div> </FPopper> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue'; const visible = ref(false); </script> <style scoped></style>
<template> <FSpace> <FForm :labelWidth="150"> <FFormItem label="是否显示:"> <FRadioGroup v-model="visible" :cancelable="false" :options="[ { label: '否(默认)', value: false }, { label: '是', value: true }, ]" /> </FFormItem> <FFormItem label="点击空白处是否关闭:"> <FRadioGroup v-model="closeOnClickOutside" :cancelable="false" :options="[ { label: '否(默认)', value: false }, { label: '是', value: true }, ]" /> </FFormItem> </FForm> </FSpace> <FDivider /> <FSpace> <FPopper :modelValue="visible" placement="bottom" trigger="click" :arrow="true" :passive="false" @clickOutside="handleClickOutside" > <template #trigger> <FButton @click="visible = true">Click to activate</FButton> </template> <div style="padding: 30px">this is content, this is content, this is content</div> </FPopper> </FSpace> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue'; const visible = ref(false); const closeOnClickOutside = ref(true); function handleClickOutside() { console.log('[tooltip.passive] clickOutside'); if (closeOnClickOutside.value) { visible.value = false; } } </script>
Popper Props
属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
v-model | 手动控制显示 | boolean | false |
placement | 出现的位置,可选值有top top-start top-end bottom bottom-start bottom-end right right-start right-end left left-start left-end | string | auto |
trigger | 触发类型hover click focus , confirm 模式下只能是click | string | hover |
disabled | 是否可用 | boolean | false |
offset | 出现位置的偏移量 | number | 6 |
arrow | 是否显示箭头 | boolean | true |
appendToContainer | 弹窗内容是否添加到指定的 DOM 元素 | boolean | true |
popperClass | 弹出框的样式类名 | string | object | Array | - |
popperStyle | 弹出框的样式 | object | - |
showAfter | 显示的延迟时间 | number | 0 |
passive | 是否受控模式,true-非受控,false-受控 | boolean | true |
hideAfter | 隐藏的延迟时间 | number | 0 |
lazy | 是否懒渲染 | boolean | true |
getContainer | 配置渲染节点的输出位置 | () => HTMLElement | () => document.body |
Popper Events
事件名称 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
clickOutside | 是否点击了外部区域 | () => void |
Popper Methods
方法名称 | 说明 | 参数 |
updatePopperPosition | 更新弹出层位置 | () => void |
Popper Slots
名称 | 说明 |
trigger | 触发提示包裹的内容 |
default | 提示内容 |